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Do you want to start a business? Find out my top 9 things I believe every new entrepreneur needs to know.

Today I am taking a step back and remembering how things were when I started my first business. I’ve learned so much since then, and there are so many things I wish I could go back and tell my former self.

So, I’m sharing those with you today! Here are 9 things I’d go back and tell myself when starting my business:

1. Your business and style will evolve over time.

2. Your best ideas require space – take space.

3. Don’t try to be everything to everyone.

4. There’s a solution to every problem.

5. At the end of the day, you are not what you do. It’s just a job!

6. Choose systems that work for you – it doesn’t have to be complicated.

7. Everyone deals with challenging clients – don’t take it personally!

8. There is no one-size-fits-all marketing plan. Do what is best for your business and what feels more aligned with your goals.

9. Days off are necessary – prioritizing your wellness will benefit the health of your business.

I’m still learning as I go, but now that I've fully emerged in navigating this entrepreneurial space, I realize there is so much that is better and easier than I ever thought.

So I hope this has been helpful for you, too!

Here to help resource you and succeed,

Brittany Donovan

Business Coach & Consultant

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